VCCS ( Vacuum Continuous Collection System and Pit Cleaning)

The VCCS offers a safe and efficient means for containing drill cuttings after drilling mud recycling at a rigsite. The movement of air through the system allows the collection of drill cuttings and other drilling wastes, such as centrifuge waste and pit cleaning operations.

The system can collect wastes fromthe shakers and centrifuges or it can be configured to collect waste from pit cleaning operations.

Cuttings Blowing Pump For Drilling Waste Management

Cuttings blowing pump ( CBP ) blows drill cuttings and centrifuge waste from a collection point on the rig to a temporary bulk storage tank on the rig. Benefits of CBP

1) High capacity in excess of 35MT per hour

2) Allows cuttings to be blown straight to a boat

3) Reduces exposure to drilling wastes on the rig

4) Carane lifts are minimised, reducing the risks associated with lifting numerous drilling waste containers from the rig to a boat